Flies, mosquitos, and other insects are real pests when trying to spend time outdoors. This is especially true when it’s an outdoor area attached to your house, like a patio or gazebo. While bug spray may do the trick for keeping insects away from an individual, it can still require additional tactics to keep flies away from the patio itself. When cooking or eating food on your patio or other outdoor areas, the insect problem can become even worse. In this post from the Texas Rolling Shutters & Screens blog, we’ll discuss different ways you can keep flies away from your patio.
For a tried and true insect-repelling method, you can set up citronella candles around your patio. Keep in mind that Citronella candles only work to repel insects from within a few feet of where the flame is, so they might become a pricey option for larger patios and outdoor areas. But, if you have a smaller patio, set up two or three Citronella candles and you should have fewer flies and insects bothering you while spending time outdoors.
There are many fly traps you can buy at your local home goods or hardware store that work great. From strips to liquid traps, they tend to be effective in attracting flies so they’re away from where you spend most of your time outdoors. You can even set up effective fly traps on your own, using a few bottles or containers with a mix of sugar and water. Keep in mind that the flies that die as a result of the trap will attract even more flies, so it’s best to keep your fly traps out of direct eyeshot from your patio or outdoor area.
It’s no shock that flies are drawn to dirty things, and trash cans are one of the dirtiest things you likely have on your patio. To ensure that flies aren’t attracted to your trash can, regularly empty it every once in a while, and clean it with a mix of soap and water, or even a disinfectant. Keeping garbage cans located on your patio clean is a surefire way to reduce the number of flies attracted to your outdoor area.
Another effective way to deter flies from your patio is to draw their attention to somewhere else. One of the easiest ways to do this is to acquire a Blue UV Light. These are commonly manufactured for the sole purpose of attracting and killing bugs. You can find blue bug lights online on websites like Amazon, at your local hardware store, or even at some big-box retailers.
At Texas Rolling Shutters & Screens, our solution screens are specifically designed to stop flies and other insects in their tracks as they try to make their way onto your patio. While defending from insects, our solution screens will also drastically reduce the heat of your patio thanks to their ability to ward off 95% of radiant heat from the sun. Get relief from insects invading your outdoor area, as well as from the heat of the sun with solution screens from Texas Rolling Shutters & Screens.
Interested in a solution screen from Texas Rolling Shutters & Screens to keep flies away from your patio? Give us a call or contact us online today to schedule a free estimate for a solution screen for your patio or outdoor area!